Saturday, December 6, 2008

On a roll today!!

Third blog of the evening... I'm working on my final paper right now and I'm researching Levi's ads and the history of their commercials, target markets, etc. and I came across this blog:

I started reading the comments and I'm just amazed by some of the things people say about these ads. This particular ad they are referring to is one for Levi's jeans that has a "straight" version and a "gay" version. All these people commenting are arguing about whether it's appropriate, how homosexuality is or isn't offensive, blah blah blah. One in particular mentioned that it's against God and what the Bible says... so here's what I have to say to that:

Being raised a Christian in a non-denominational church, I was taught morals and values according to what the Bible says. I was taught to take all aspects of the Bible into account, and to follow the rules that God put forth throughout the Bible. I base most of my morals off of the Bible, but after being exposed to the real world and being at a liberal college for 4 1/2 years, I realized there's a lot more to the Bible and God than I was taught in my church growing up.
I was taught that homosexuality is wrong. The Bible clearly states that a man lying with another man is a sin; as well as a woman lying with another woman. Ok, fine. So it's a sin. I agree.
But that in NO WAY has made me judge homosexuals and I have NEVER told them they are going to hell or anything outrageous like that. Why? First of all, I'm not a Bible beater and I don't like telling people they're going to hell--not cool. (Basically because I don't know that they are--religion is based on FAITH and BELIEF... how do I know that my religion is the "right" one? I don't. that's what I believe but I won't push my beliefs on anyone else.) Anyway, I've also learned to observe what the REST of the Bible says... let's take the Ten Commandments, for example. Don't steal, don't murder, don't lie, honor your father and mother, don't take the Lord's name in vain, don't covet your neighbor, don't commit adultery, etc.... and elsewhere in the Bible it says a man shouldn't lay with another man, (or woman/woman). So these are all sins. But there are some other things that the Bible says: Do not have premarital sex. Do not get divorced. And much more... but we don't always live by these because we're in America, and we're taught that these things are "OK". I don't think they are. I don't think they will ever be ok in God's eyes, but we disregard these because sex is fun, so we do it before we're married. And we get divorced because of abuse, adultery, financial problems, lying, mental health issues, etc. but that's "OK" to us because America says it's ok. Well it's not.

HOWEVER, we're ALL guilty of sinning, according to the Bible. I've lied, I've stolen, I haven't always honored my parents, I had premarital sex, and I've even been divorced--yes, at 22 years old. What does God think of that? He hates it. He hates every sin. But he hates every sin to the same extent--He despises it and it breaks His heart, but the beauty of it is, He forgives us. So why wouldn't he forgive someone who is homosexual? People have homosexual relations because they feel it is "natural" and they are born that way... well, some people are born beautiful, therefore people are attracted to them and they where appealing clothing which leads to lust and desire and they end up having premarital sex. And it's still a sin. Whoop-dee-doo. It's all a matter of how you look at it. I hate when people are homophobic... it's so hypocritical. I don't want people to hate me for being divorced... I don't want my friends to be hated for taking God's name in vain... so why should we hate homosexuals for being homosexual?? It's just ridiculous.
Sure, straight people don't like hearing about homosexual intercourse... just like guys don't want to hear about girls' menstrual cycles; people don't like hearing about fat people or old people or ugly people having sex; no one wants to know about their parents having sex; and that's fine. So if you're homosexual, know that not everyone enjoys thinking about your intercourse. But heterosexuals, don't be hypocritical. They probably don't like hearing about your hetero sex either.

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